Toch Smarturns™ – intelligent knobs for your stove

Do you worry about the stove being left on? Kitchen fires from unattended stoves are a real danger. Toch Smarturns™ transforms your stove to a smart stove when you switch the knobs on your current stove with intelligent knobs. You and your caregivers will be updated when the stove is on or off, ensuring safe cooking at all times. Visit Tochtech’s website for more information on the product.
Will Toch Smarturns™ Work with My Stove? You can run a check to confirm if your stove is currently supported before you purchase online.
Tochtech is offering a special 5% discount for every Tochtech purchase when you use the SeniorsAdvocate.CA discount code BKSPECIAL
Vericare – enabling seniors to age independently, while offering caregivers peace of mind

Vericare is a health and wellness monitoring system. Passive sensors (no cameras or mics) are installed in the home that monitor everyday living activities. The system is able to recognize abnormal activity and behaviour patterns indicating a medical condition or an emergency and will issue a phone notification to caregivers. Information collected is also analysed and regular reports provide seniors and caregivers vital wellbeing information that maybe valuable for the senior’s care plan.
For more information on Vericare please visit Tochtech’s website. If you may be interested in installing Vericare or have questions about the Vericare please contact us directly at 1-800-360-1286 or
Toch Sleepsense, promoting safety and peace of mind as your loved ones sleep
Do you worry about your loved ones while they sleep, or the quality of sleep they are achieving? Toch Sleepsense is an award-winning, innovative, non-wearable sleep tracker that
issues alerts when a health risk is identified during sleep and provides sleep pattern information that is helps you understand how well your loved one is sleeping and how it sleep may be playing a role in their wellbeing and behaviour. A non-wearable, that sits under the leg of the bed Sleepsense making it a simple, non-intrusive solution.
The Toch Sleepsense app, issues alerts to caregivers when the sleeper has gotten out of bed, has not returned to bed and of a possible medical emergency when in bed. Sleepsense offers caregivers peace of mind, and the information needed to help their loved ones get a better night’s sleep.
Tochtech works with families looking for ways to better support their loved ones or with senior care homes looking increase the level of safety and personalize their services for the clients. For more information on Toch Sleepsense please visit Tochtech’s website. If you may be interested in installing Vericare or have questions about the Vericare please contact us directly at 1-800-360-1286 or