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As Senior Advisors and Advocates, We Understand and We Can Help

Articles and Posts

By: Barbara J. Kirby - Seniors Advocate, Health, Care and Housing Navigator April 25, 2023 The relational aspect of advocacy cannot be underestimated. It is especially important when giving a resident support to have their voice heard. It is a key indicator of satisfaction and successful outcome. Understandably, advocating is more often elevating the voice because of something which is not pleasing…
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At the beginning of the Corona Virus pandemic in early 2020, I started receiving calls from seniors and their families asking how they could stay home safely rather than moving into assisted living or long-term care? What immediately came to mind is one of my favorite tools to support the elderly living at home independently, a motion censored monitoring system app. This is an app that gives adult…
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Here are 15 ideas that might work for you but there is no one answer as everyone has needs that are unique to them. You might find some of these ideas helpful and give you some peace of mind. Also be easy on yourself. It is near impossible to expect you can fully protect you or your loved one from a pandemic virus but following a good health regimen always helps. Today just, be vigilant for yourself…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator \SeniorsAdvocate●CA Everyone measures quality of life differently but for many growing old is often accompanied with a disquieting question of financial stability. Aging and health conditions dictate the type of accommodations and amount of support needed now or down the road.…
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Written by Barbara J. Kirby,Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator SeniorsAdvocate●CA2019-10-11 No, it's not too early, advance planning is a must! You may not be thinking of the festive season yet but don't leave it too late if you are a family caregiver for mom and/or dad or your spouse. There’s a lot to keep in mind when managing care through…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator SeniorsAdvocate●CA2019 -10-19 Sometimes the people we think will keep our best interests at heart will have different plans. Currently, seniors 65 plus make up over 18% of the population in BC, and it’s reported that over 27% of seniors live alone.* Living alone may put seniors…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator SeniorsAdvocate●CA2018-04-29 Later in life there are various circumstances where challenges arise and and we are unable to resolve the situation or get the answers we need ourselves. We may need someone help us, someone who can speak up on our behalf who respects our values supports…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, NavigatorSeniorsAdvocate●CA As we age, the ability to make our own choices and decisions can slip away from us. We start to lose decision-making ability . . . perhaps not because we are incapable but because we tend to consider decisions differently, giving them more thought and time. Yet…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator SeniorsAdvocate●CA We are able to look at elder care through various mediums to get a worldwide perspective. Whether it’s through taking online courses, reading international articles, newsletters, joining international organizations or travelling and working in other countries…
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Written by Barbara J. KirbyCertified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) Later Lifestyle Planner, Advocate, Navigator SeniorsAdvocate●CA There are unscrupulous people who befriend unsuspecting vulnerable seniors with a goal of defrauding them of their savings and income. Who are these people who prey on the vulnerable? Some of these are professional fraudsters and not so professional trolling…
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